Cosa succede in Canada

Un interessante articolo in inglese su dove portano i regolamenti e i “rimborsi spese”, sotto la spinta dall’interesse di cliniche e avvocati a diffondere la maternità surrogata:

qui alcuni estratti (per chi non sa l’inglese: google translate è migliorato tantissimo):

Under Canada’s Assisted Human Reproduction Act, it’s legal to use another person’s eggs, sperm or uterus to bring a child into the world. It’s legal to pay a doctor to extract the eggs, to fertilize them with donated sperm and to place them into a uterus not your own. It’s legal to pay a lawyer to draw up a contract between you and the parties with whom you’re making these arrangements, and even to pay a social worker to check on the motivations of those parties. It’s also legal to cover a surrogate’s out-of-pocket expenses directly related to the pregnancy. What’s not legal is to pay someone for those eggs, that sperm or the use of that uterus. It’s also not legal to pay or be paid for helping to arrange for the services of a surrogate mother. Contravening the act can lead to 10 years in jail or a $500,000 fine. (…)

The Canadian law is written in a way that makes clear that payment to surrogates and egg donors is illegal but suggests certain expenses, with receipts, are okay. As it stands, regulations spelling out what constitutes a permissible expense are still unwritten. As a result, there seems to be a great deal of wiggle room for IPs who want to be generous. (…)

Even if everything worked as the law intended, it’s a stretch to suggest that Canadian baby making is non-commercial. It’s a lucrative business for fertility law specialists. Legal fees for a surrogacy agreement drawn up on behalf of the IPs can cost anywhere from $2,500 to $4,000. The surrogate’s representation in the negotiation typically costs just over $1,000. There is another legal fee of $3,000 to $6,000 to apply for a declaration of parentage, which ensures that a baby is the legal child of the IPs and not the surrogate.

The medical side isn’t cheap either. A single round of in vitro fertilization, which involves removing eggs from a woman’s body, mixing them with sperm in a glass dish, then slipping embryos back into a uterus with a catheter, can cost about $7,000, and drug costs can double that. Injecting a single sperm directly into an egg (a process known as ICSI) is an additional $1,500. Testing genetics before placing the embryo in the uterus is several thousand more. Testicular sperm extraction, frozen embryo transfer, assisted hatching—it adds up. All told, a single attempt at pregnancy via IVF can total $20,000. And since there is a less than 25  per cent chance that a child will result, many couples end up trying more than once.

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